S201 Deep in Death
剛開始接續上一季Beckett因為Castle私自調查母親的案件而生氣著,但又因為C被警局高層認定為是形象大使而無法與他真正切割。本集案件平淡,就是一個因景氣蕭條被裁員的精算師,不得不透過人體運毒(當drug mule)維持生計,最後卻被搶貨爭地盤的毒販幫派殺害。其中,C為了找出凶手,透過小說家牌友的幫忙混進中國城地下賭局,沒想到很快就露餡,落得B不得不偽裝成有濃濃俄國口音的超性感妓女出馬相救。末尾,C理直氣壯地質問B為什麼不趕緊跟進他找到的翻案發現,也翻臉不考慮兩人合作的可能,B倒是說出了另一個情理上的矛盾:對局外人C來說,追查這個謀殺案容易變成一種偵探遊戲(在新版的BBC福爾摩斯中也討論過這個心態),但對當事者B來說卻無比沉重;最新的這條線索顯示出這起謀殺背後有著冰山大的算計,就算找到執行任務的殺手也不能讓被害者家屬感到正義的返還,而且這個棋子甚至還可能在認罪協商的過程裡游出法網。那麼,追出真相的意義又為何?(當然,邏輯說得通,實際上B還是因為這個結果而動搖,不然怎麼演得下去,哈哈)最後在Alexis的提點下(Alexis在上季接受跳級生Owen花環邀請參加舞會,結果Owen竟然沉迷打電動到忘記約會時間),C誠心道歉,兩人和好。
Ryan: Guy in a tree; Mom and Dad bickering. Seems like old times!
Esposito: Mm-hmm!
Lanie: (examining Castle after the car crash) He'll live.
Ryan: What no brain damage?
Lanie: If he has some, it happened way before tonight and was probably self inflicted.
Castle: Ahh, good times.
Martha: So, has she forgiven you?
Castle: Ah, not exactly, mother, but I'm working on it. She has agreed to let me help on the case.
Martha: Well, that's a start, I suppose.
Castle: It is more than a start. It is an opportunity. She may have built up a wall between us, but I am going to build a door in that wall. Or put up a ladder. [thinking] Or dig a hole.
Martha: You have a strategy.
Castle: Be my usual charming self.
Martha: Aha. What about plan B?
(Lanie is dusting for fingerprints)
Castle: You want me to put on some music? Whenever they do this sorta thing on CSI, they always do it to music in poorly lit rooms...kinda reminds me of porn.
Beckett: Zip it, Castle.
Esposito: What are you doing?
Beckett: I'm gonna go in there. And if I'm not out in 10 minutes, you guys call for backup. Can I have my purse, please?
Esposito: What're you gonna do? Lip gloss them to death?
Beckett: Something like that.
Castle: Thanks for saving my life.
Beckett: Ah, I was just trying to avoid paperwork.
Castle: We make a pretty good team, you know. Like Starsky and Hutch, Tango and Cash... Turner and Hooch.
Beckett: You know, now that you mention it, you do remind me a little of Hooch.
Castle: I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I violated your trust, I opened old wounds and I did not respect your wishes. And if we're not gonna see each other again then you deserve to know, I'm very, very sorry.
Beckett: Castle? I'll see you tomorrow.
Stephen J. Cannell: That's a pretty good story, Ricky. It's got a big opening, major twist.
Michael Connelly: Though I gotta say, I saw that whole drug mule thing coming.
Castle: Nice try, Connelly, you aren't going to goad me into raising. Stephen, you once wrote about an underground poker game in King Con.
Cannell: Yeah...
Castle: (pointing at Connelly) And you once had Harry Bosch investigate the murder of a poker player.
Cconnelly: Yeah, One Dollar Jackpot, why?
Castle: Well, Michael, this guy that we're looking for, he's a regular in the triad-run games in Chinatown. I thought one of you might know someone who could get me in?
Cannell: What are you nuts? Those are crooks and killers down there.
Connelly: Look, Ricky, doing the research is one thing, but the Russian Mafia, the triads you tangle with those people, and all the best sellers in the world are not going to protect you.
Castle: No, I don't plan on tangling. I'm just going to be another rich, bored, thrill-seeker looking to try my luck down there.
Cannell: You must really like her.
Castle: Who?
Cannell: That police detective of yours. Look, Ricky, there's only one reason you'd be dumb enough to go down there, and that's to impress a girl. Why don't you cut yourself a little slack and just buy her some flowers
Castle: Do you know the place or not? Well?!
S202 The Double Down
本集Ryan惋惜原來要和Jenny一起享受的honey milk夜被凶殺案打斷了,於是暱稱獲得(?)。其實早在S109時Castle就已經聯合Espo取笑過Ryan兩週紀念日的超藍斑點領帶(甚至B也參一腳)。
Castle: (noticing the tie) Whoa! Sorry. Sorry about that. That tie took me a little by surprise.
[Esposito snickers]
Ryan: Okay. Get it all out. This is a gift from my girlfriend.
Esposito: "Girlfriend"?
Beckett: Already giving gifts, huh?
Ryan: Today's our two-week anniversary.
[They all "ooh"]
Esposito: Two weeks! Is that the paper or the silk?
Castle: I believe it's the whipped.
Esposito: Good one.
Castle: Okay. Well, if you guys want any help you know where to find me.
Ryan: Help?! Did you just say help?!
Esposito: Don't worry about us, Castle. We'll probably close ours before your therapist.
Castle: Really?
Ryan: Mmm.
Castle: Well, perhaps you'd like to make things...interesting?
Ryan: Oooh, wait, are you saying you wanna wager on who solves their case first?
(Castle touches his nose.)
Esposito: That's sick, bro. (Turn around) Fifty bucks?
Ryan: We win you pay us both.
Castle: Deal. (Moves to get up.)
Ryan: (Putting a hand on Castle arm. Quickly spoken, not enunciated well.) Sit down. Sit down. Sit down.)
Esposito: (Speaking at the same time as Ryan.) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. (The three men lean in conspiratorially.) Not a word to Beckett, okay? (Ryan shakes his head.) She finds out about this, she'll shoot us. (Ryan nods his head.)
Castle: Secrets, murder and gambling. Three of my favourite pastimes. May the best man win. (Castle puts his hand out palm down.)
Esposito: May he. (Puts his hand on top of Castle's)
(Ryan spits into his hand then slaps it on top of Esposito's. Esposito and Castle make faces.)
S203 Inventing the Girl
[Beckett and Castle working to learn the victim’s identity and where she might have been]
Castle: Well, she’s tall, she’s gorgeous, 10 pounds underweight. Her hair is fried, she’s wearing too much eye makeup. She’s a model. which means she was probably at a club last night. It’s is, after all, Fashion Week, when all the hottest women in the world descend upon the hippest nightspots like locusts. Only, locusts eat.
Esposito: Well, well, well. Richard Castle. The man of the hour.
Castle: Oh, do you mean this? Pretty flattering, right? At least, I thought so.
Esposito: Old news, my friend. We're talking about yesterday, Fashion Week.
Ryan: Word on the street is you brought back a little souvenir.
Esposito: The digits of a particularly young honey named Reno?
Ryan: Rina.
Beckett: I might have mentioned it to them in passing.
Esposito: Come on, Castle. Take pity on your model-deprived brothers. Give us the stats. Was she the sexy, curvy, lingerie type that you could just...
Ryan: Or th-- the toned and tanned, bikini-wearing type?
Beckett: She's more like the, "I'm totally psyched I just got my driver's license" type.
Castle: Okay, you know what? You two so need to evolve, because that little girl you're talking about like a piece of meat, that's somebody's daughter, alright? She's… somebody's baby-sitter.
S204 Fool Me Once…
Castle: Yeah, but for a con man it's not just about the money. I mean, for them it's about the game. Th-the thrill they get from pulling a con... it's like a drug.
Montgomery: Con man was on drugs?
Beckett: No, sir. Castle is just giving us psychological insight based on his extensive experience as a fraud.
Castle: Meow.
Patty Schultz: Have you ever been duped?
Castle: I've been married twice.
Beckett: Don't be so impressed. The guy was a criminal.
Castle: Oh, no, there's something about a-a well-played con that just makes you want to tip your hat, though. And they have such great names-- the Spanish Prisoner, the Pig in the Poke, the Pigeon Drop.
Montgomery: Oh, I love a good con movie - "House of Games," "Catch Me If You Can."
Esposito: (Mouth full) "Ocean's Eleven," baby.
Ryan: "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels." (Imitates Steve Martin) "mother?"
Esposito: (Imitates Steve Martin) "not mother?"
(They laugh)
Castle: For my money, it starts and it ends with "The Sting." (Touches his nose)
[When Beckett tells Castle she hasn’t read Heat Wave yet]
Castle: You were all over me to get a copy of that book. Do you have any idea how many hoops I had to jump through, just so my editor wouldn’t send an armed guard to watch over you while you read it? The least you could do is to… [pauses and looks at her] Oh. Oh! I see what you’re doing.
Beckett: I’m not doing anything.
Castle: Oh, yes, you are. Yes, you are. You’re trying to push my buttons, but it’s not gonna work.
Beckett: Really?
Castle: Mmm.
Beckett: ‘Cause it seems to be working just great. [smirks]
Beckett: I hate this case.(因為法醫無法確認死者到底是不是詐騙犯)
Castle: I know, isn't it great?!
Conman's fiance: He wasn't a con man. He was in the CIA.
Castle: [thrilled] Best case ever.
Beckett: [half-interrupting him] Shut up.
Castle: What good news?
Elise: Nothing.
Susan: Fletcher’s alive.
Castle: Best case ever!
S205 When the Bough Breaks
片頭,經紀人告知C接到007邀請擔任編劇的可能,而預想的「分離」讓他和B都開始思考彼此的存在對自己的意義。C的愛透過書扉的致辭(”To the extraordinary KB and all my friends at the 12th.”)已然揭露(當然,還有兩人同在車內跟監等待時,關於irony的討論,讓C不禁感嘆 “I may be going, but I'm leaving something of myself behind.”)。局外人全都看得明白,但B仍然繼續否認情感的萌芽。(不過到了片尾,因為Heat Wave賣得太好,出版社決定提高價碼來保住Nikki Heat系列,所以兩個人又黏在一起了。)
Esposito: Yeah, it's too bad, too. Your kind of case, bro'.
Castle: Yeah?
Ryan: Yeah, body was found down that manhole over there. Half eaten.
Castle: Eaten?
Ryan: Yeah, it was covered in some kind of green slime.
Castle: Whoa...
Esposito: Yeah, it was creepy. It's as if someone or some thing is down there.
Castle: [Catching on] Ha, that's... okay. Very funny. Great. [To Beckett] Was there a body down the manhole?
Beckett: Yeah.
Castle: Okay, thank you. An adult.
Beckett: Yeah, you should have seen what else was down there. Two metal canisters with bio-hazard stickers and yellow powder inside of them.
Castle: You opened the... [the detectives smirk] Alright. Will someone please tell me what's really going on here?
Ryan: We're gonna check nearby trash cans for the murder weapon.
Castle: What was the murder weapon, by the way?
Ryan: Some kind of death ray.
Esposito: Turns your insides out.
S206 Vampire Weekend
Castle: (Castle sniffs the air, looks confused, then turns to find Beckett leaning right over his shoulder) You smell like cherries.
(They stare at each other, speechless, faces just inches apart)
Ryan: (bursting in with Esposito) Hey we got a hit on the…
(Beckett straightens up in a flash, brushing her hair from her eyes)
Esposito: (looking from one to the other, clearly amused) Are we interrupting something?
Castle: Yes.
Beckett: (simultaneously) No.
Ryan: O… Kay…
Beckett: What did you get a hit on? (She coughs nervously. Esposito and Ryan look from her to Castle, relishing the moment.)
(Castle, Beckett, Ryan and Esposito are huddled around a PC. Hammer House of Horror music plays from the website shown)
Castle: Hmm, do you think they're real? The fangs, I mean.
Ryan: Vampire Mistress Vixen. Her coven is called The Den of Iniquity.
Esposito: Coven?
Ryan: Yeah, a vampire coven is like joining a church or a club. You like to play golf, I like to play golf. You like to drink blood, I like to drink blood. (They all stare at him) What? I used to go out with a girl who was into the lifestyle.
Esposito: What happened? Did the relationship suck?
(Castle and Esposito ‘Feed the Birds’)
Alexis: Paige was so angry with me she sabotaged our science project. She killed Feggin. She said it was an accident, but I know she did it on purpose to get back at me.
Castle: Oh, that is so wrong on so many levels.
Alexis: How could she take care of him the way we did and then just destroy him?
Castle: I don’t know it’s just, it’s one reason I write about it. The way some people behave just bewilders me. Let me tell you this, though - there is nothing you could do that would stop me from protecting you, or supporting you.
S207 Famous Last Words
Castle: And you will go off to school.
Alexis: But I was just helpful.
Castle: Yes, but if I let you out of class every time you were helpful, you'd never go.
Alexis: But I won't be able to focus on school today. I just can't concentrate.
Castle: Which will make you just like all the other kids in your class.
Alexis: Dad.
Castle: I am serious, or I will call the truant officer. (to Montgomery) Do you still have truant officers?
Montgomery: Budget cuts.
Castle: You're so lucky.
Esposito: Found your stalker… And when she filed against him, he showed up in court and called her a...[Esposito sees Alexis.]
Esposito: B-I-T-C-H.
Castle: She can spell, Detective.
Ryan: Probably better than you.
[Castle smiles as he watches Alexis leave. He turns towards Beckett and sees her watching him.]
Castle: What?
Beckett: Nothing. It's just, I'm so used to you acting like a 12-year-old all the time, it's kind of refreshing to see you as a father.
Castle: Makes you want me, right?
Beckett: And there's the 12-year-old again.
Castle: Look at this guy. If I was a woman, I'd just hit him back. Does he look like a killer to you?
Beckett: Everybody looks like a killer to me, Castle. Job requirement.
Castle: Do I look like a killer to you?
Beckett: Yes. You kill my patience.
Martha: Now, does that man look like a killer to you?
Castle: Everybody looks like a killer to me. It's a job requirement.
Alexis: You didn't say that about Sky.
Castle: Just…let me have this moment.
S208 Kill the Messenger
Alexis: Set up your profile. Name? Martha Rodgers. Sex? Female. Race?
Martha: Color-blind. Why should I categorize myself? Shades of gray, darling.
[Castle enters.]
Alexis: Age?
Martha: Ageless. No, better yet, timeless.
Castle: Oh, you don't want to put that. Makes you sound like you belong in a museum.
Martha: Oh, you have a point. Uh, I know, type in "old enough."
Castle: Nice. 
Alexis: And now you just need to select a photo for your profile page.
Martha: Okay. Should we go dramatic? Or commercial? Or sassy?
[Martha holds up three casting photos from her younger years.]
Castle: (chuckles) Don't you have anything from this century?
Martha: Why? You think the hair is a bit dated?
Castle: Not exactly what I was getting at.
Martha: Uh-huh. I know what you were getting at. You're no spring chicken yourself, you know. Have you looked in the mirror lately? I have two words for you, "hairline" and "receding."
[Castle quickly checks the toaster for his reflection.]
Martha: Ha! Made you look.
Alexis: She totally got you, Dad.
Beckett: Were the two of you dating?
Dilahunt: Uh, no, just friends. What? Can’t a guy and a girl just be friends?
Castle: Please.
Dilahunt: Are you two together?
Castle: [simultaneously] Not yet.
Beckett: [simultaneously] Absolutely not.
    castle beckett

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